
Melissa and Doug Band in a Box

Product Description
Little musicians can form a traveling band with this compact wooden music set. Featuring ten fun musical pieces, this quality kit is the perfect way to introduce youngsters to musical play. Pieces include a colorfully designed pair of maracas, hand cymbals, tambourine, triangle and two other wooden noisemakers. Every piece fits conveniently into a sturdy wooden storage case, making clean up a piece of cake.
Product Features
* Make a band of your own
* 10 pieces
* Wooden crate
* Recommended Age Range 4 Years and up
Most Helpful Customer Reviews 91 of 91 people found the following review helpful: By Melanie Andersen (Daly City, California United States)
Durability:4.0 out of 5 stars Fun:5.0 out of 5 stars Educational:4.0 out of 5 stars
These instruments are durable and of good quality. I don't worry about my kids banging on them as hard as they want. They make beautiful music. The kids have so much fun playing with them. They are real instruments, not plastic imitations that don't sound quite right. This was a purchase I don't regret.
18 of 18 people found the following review helpful: By KSL "emma-and-me" (Seminole, Fl United States)
My daughter got this for her 1st birthday last year and these musical instruments are well made. I don't let my daughter play unattended with the triangle and it's metal stick in fear she might run with it, but other than that this is a nice set. My brother's son did break the Spanish shaker by hitting too hard . So, if you get this as a gift just watch your child, as you'd do with other toys and you shouldn't have any major problems.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful: By History_of_Art_Geek (Phoenix, AZ)
Durability:4.0 out of 5 stars Fun:4.0 out of 5 stars Educational:4.0 out of 5 stars
It's funny how kids gravitate to one item, and the cymbals always seem to lure visiting children. The cymbals are nice and small, and they easily fit in little hands, but we found the wood handles twisted, and turned a little more then my son likes. I guess the loose feeling gave him a weird sensation when banging them together, so he doesn't play with them much. It's strange to me that the most enjoyable instrument for my son is the wooden clacker, which is the loudest instrument in the box. He's hypersensitive to loud sounds, yet he bangs that instrument for minutes at a time. He also enjoys the maracas, but instead of shaking them like intended, he bangs them together. The banging makes a loud crashing sound, as well as a shaky bean sound. The problem with this is that he's banged them like that for so long, the seams on one of the maracas have split, and I've had to glue it together. The glue holds it well, but I'm afraid it will meet its demise sooner than later.

I'm fond of the tambourine myself, so when William decides to put on a concert he shakes it a few times, and then hands it to me. The tone block and mallet is second in line to the clacker for William. He bangs the two together, and then bangs the mallet and the clacker together, and so on.

Our only concern with this set was the metal striker that accompanies the triangle. My husband snagged it soon after it came into our house because he could see it was an accident waiting to happen. We just didn't feel comfortable having a 3-year old walking around the house with a 6" piece of steel. In addition, the storage box didn't really work for us either. William pinched his finger when closing the lid, which didn't hurt him; it only scared him. We eventually relegated the box to my husband storage shed, and placed his instruments in a bin, which worked much better for us.

Overall, the Band in a Box has been an enjoyable toy. The instruments are very durable, especially for the price, and although we've had some issues with the maracas, I can't hold Melissa & Doug responsible for my son's rough play.
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