
A+ Certification All-in-One Exam Guide, 4th Edition (Hardcover) By Michael Meyers

Book Description
Mike Meyers--the industry’s leading A+ certification authority and instructor--delivers another edition of his #1, best-selling study guide. Covering all official objectives for CompTIA's A+ Certification this must-have reference contains essential material to prepare you for both the Core Hardware and Operating System Technologies exams. Plus, the bonus CD-ROM contains practice tests, hundreds of questions, and LearnKey(tm) video clips. Not only will this book help you pass the A+ certification exams, but it will also teach you how to be an expert hardware technician.

Book Info
Covering all official objectives for CompTIA's A+ Certification this must-have reference contains essential material to prepare you for both the Core Hardware and Operating System Technologies exams. Contains practice tests and questions. CD-ROM included.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

20 of 20 people found the following review helpful:

By Michael J Woznicki "Michael J Woznicki" (Holland, MA USA)
Over the past 14 years there are several people who I have come to trust to produce exam material that will more than cover the exam. Mike Meyers is the premier name in the A+ certification arena and this book has new updates and coverage of both A+ exams and more.

Nothing short of amazing is the amount of detailed and technically accurate information presented in this book in the over 1100 pages. One thing I was impressed with was the Pre-Test that starts this book, this gives the candidate a more accurate account of the skill set required to pass the exam.

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Breaking down the book is the first 8 chapters covering hardware, while chapters 9 through 12 deals with DOS, Windows 9.X and 2000, I think NT workstation should be included, but this does not detract from the book whatsoever. Chapters 13 through 19 are more hardware and finally chapter 20 for networking.

As I have come to expect there are review questions with each chapter, which far and away tougher than the actual exam. The book is well organized and documented making this the perfect study tool for both self study and classroom teaching.

The cd included has a number of tools and utilities, plus over 1 hour of training videos, 500+ questions in adaptive format to work with as well as 6 full practice exams. With everything include about the only thing it doesn't do is take the exam for you.

13 of 13 people found the following review helpful:

By Jason (Granada Hills, CA United States)
If you are a total beginner, this is the book for you. The author explains the concepts in excellent detail. If you're not too familiar with what is covered on the A+ you will be after reading this. That said, if you already have some experience in the field this book tends to seem long winded and boring. My recommendation would be to take a look at the A+ outlines on (there's an online version you can check out for free) and then if you feel like you need to go over anything, pick up this book.

The other thing I found very useful was the CD that comes with it. It has a lot of practice tests with questions that closely mirror what is actually on the A+ test. It's great practice (especially the "adaptive" version that acts like the real test). If you can consistently pass these you're sure to pass the A+.

Overall a good buy.

9 of 9 people found the following review helpful:

By Strudel (Clawson, MI)
This book will take you head first into the world of A+ Certification. The book will tell you everything that you need to know about A+ Certification and then some. That's perhaps where the problem comes in. The book gives a lot of admittedly unnecessary information. All of this information is good though for an A+ Certified Technician to know and really makes you look like you know what you're talking about. The book is very high quality, includes many pictures and examples. As a result of this book I am now A+ Certified. Although I think the book has too much information I recommend it to anyone looking for a good study tool for the two exams that make A+ certification. The author has a unique sense of humor that makes studying a little more enjoyable than it normally would be.

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