The complete text of these profiles, a total of over 38,000 pages, is reproduced here in the easy- to-use Adobe Acrobat format, along with other essential information from the ATSDR:
ToxFAQs – a series of summaries providing a quick and easy to understand guide to frequently asked questions about chemicals from acetone to zinc.
Public Health Statements are derived from chapter one of their respective toxicological profiles.
Other information concerning the risks of these substances at hazardous waste sites includes the Completed Exposure Pathways (CEPs) and CERCLA Priority List.
This book-on-a-disc makes a superb reference work and provides a great, one-stop source of essential hazmat and toxic chemical information! It is designed to provide a convenient user- friendly general reference work, utilizing the benefits of the Adobe Acrobat format to uniformly present thousands of pages that can be rapidly reviewed or printed without untold hours of tedious searching and downloading. Vast archives of important government information that might otherwise remain inaccessible are available for instant review. The documents are reproduced using Adobe Acrobat PDF software - allowing direct viewing on Windows and Apple Macintosh systems. Reader software is included on the CD.