
Granada Hills (CA) (Images of America) By Jim Hier

Book Description
The modern history of Granada Hills began in 1913 with the completion of the Los Angeles aqueduct and the arrival of abundant freshwater to the former land of Mission San Fernando. Citrus orchards flourished on the Sunshine Ranch, acreage originally cultivated by former senator George K. Porter. In 1926, the community of Granada was formed as a rabbit-raising colony, promising residents country living and economic prosperity.

Granada added “Hills” to its name in 1942 to avoid confusion with a similarly named Northern California town, and thanks to the postwar baby boom, the population grew by 1,000 percent between 1950 and 1960. The community soon earned a reputation as “The San Fernando Valley’s Most Neighborly Town” as residents came together to celebrate the hometown team’s 1963 Little League World Series victory and the formation of the nation’s first all-girl American Youth Soccer Organization league, and as neighbor helped neighbor after the devastating 1971 and 1994 earthquakes.

About the Author
Author Jim Hier grew up in Granada Hills, attending local schools and graduating from Kennedy High School in 1973. He shares his love and appreciation for his hometown in this engaging retrospective, which he put together with the help of dozens of current and former residents who generously contributed many of the stories and images appearing in this book.

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Most Helpful Customer Reviews

Karen Nelson
This is a terrific book and captures the history of Granada Hills through many photos and written information. It is well organized and speaks to many of the excellent qualities of growing up in Granada Hills. I have given it to all my family and friends from GH. Everyone loves it!

R. K. Ricklefs
Having participated in another Arcadia book of this same style (Prescott, AZ), I appreciated the easy read, "picture to caption" style of their presentation. Jim did a good job of editing after securing a good assortment of photos.

Susan A. Young "Suzy Sews"
I grew up in Granada Hills, with my family buying their first home there in 1959 when I was just 5 years old. I attended Danube Elementary, Porter Junior High, and Granada Hills High at a time when the San Fernando Valley was paradise and all was good in the world. This is a wonderful reflection of those times, and a comprehensive walk down memory lane for me.

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