
The Best Of The Colbert Report (2005), Starring Stephen Colbert

Plot Synopsis: An, offshoot of The Daily Show, The Colbert Report (the Ts in Colbert and in Report are silent) is a parody of shows like "The O'Reilly Factor." Colbert begins the show with teasers about the show's content and then the credits go by, with a giant eagle and the stars and stripes featured predominantly. Colbert will pepper commentaries with phrases like, "Look, I don't have time to read books," or, "President Bush isn't a head thinker, he's a gut thinker." Aspects of talking head programs are exaggerated and Colbert presents a host overwhelmed by his own importance. Guests do not walk on-stage but are seated at a small table to the side. Colbert runs over to them, encouraging the audience to applaud and high five him as he passes. He is then likely to begin an interview by asking a guest something like, "Explain evolution in 20 seconds," or "Isn't everyone who disagrees with the president guilty of treason?" Colbert is also very clear about our number one threat, "Bears." His distrust of bears is a continuing theme.

Editorial Review
At a liberal three hours, this Colbertrospective is as definitive as The Best of Chappelle's Show. Here are the signature segments ("Better Know a District"), defining moments (the definition of "truthiness", Merriam-Webster's 2006 Word of the Year), classic confrontations ("Papa Bear" Bill O'Reilly, Jane Fonda, and Emmy-stealer Barry Manilow) and essential features (the "Green Screen Challenge" and "Stephen Colbert's Rock and Awe: Countdown to Guitarmageddon,") If you're a recent immigrant to Colbert Nation, this DVD is your passport for full citizenship. A spin-off of The Daily Show, The Colbert Report (those T's are silent) is a pitch-perfect parody of self-mythologizing TV pundits ("This show is not about me," Colbert, in full gravitas, proclaims in episode 1. "It is dedicated to you, the heroes. Who are the heroes? The people who watch this show"). Colbert is a "straight shooter" who doesn't trust books ("they're all fact and no heart") and he promises to "feel the news at you." But the media-savvy Colbert doesn't just feel the news, he makes news. Included is his jaw-dropping "Better Know a District" interview with Florida Democratic Congressman Robert Wexler, who was running unopposed in the 2006 Midterm election, prompting Colbert to goad him into saying "a few things that would really lose the election for you if you were contested" ("I enjoy the company of prostitutes because it's a fun thing to do"). Soon after, the Democratic leadership told incoming-freshman congressmen to steer clear of the Report. Colbert has abandoned his run for President of the United States following his failure to secure a place on South Carolina's ballot. It's just as well. There is, he states, "a whole big world to fix," and now more than ever we need a leader, who, as venerable 60 Minutes correspondent Morley Safer observes at one point, is "a sunburst of emotion in a time darkened by reason." --Donald Liebenson

Product Description
In this age of skepticism and not getting it, Americans want the truth…iness. And no one has more truthiness than it-getter, flagophile, and four-star American hero, Stephen Colbert. Now, with this collection of The Colbert Report’s finest moments, you can watch as Stephen shows the nation how he better feels the facts, better justifies injustices, and better knows the districts. So, look up in the sky, above the fruited plain, across the purple mountain majesties. This…is The Colbert Report.

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

9 of 15 people found the following review helpful:

By Courtney Mehlhaff (Minneapolis, MN)
If you're a dedicated viewer of the Report, you might find yourself a bit disappointed with this DVD. While it does feature some of the major highlights of the past couple years, there is so much missing: no gag reel, no behind-the-scenes, no sign of segments like Tip of the Hat, Who's Honoring Me Now, Alpha Dog of the Week, Cheating Death, Bears and Balls, the Atone Phone, etc. The disc features only one Threatdown and two Words. The Report is a big show packed with hilarity, and often it's the little things (character breaks, malfunctions, random absurdity) that truly make it great. Comedy Central would do well in the future to include some montages that capture more of TCR's daily wit instead of presenting only the biggest events as an uninspired overview.

4 of 12 people found the following review helpful:

By Daubas (Paris, France)
I usually don't review items I haven't bought (yet) and I would not buy the Indecision DVDs of the Daily Show (even though I sincerely love Jon Stewart and his show), but this is a special case.
TCR is so sharp, so funny and brings such insightful commentaries, not just on the latest news but on the state of the US and the occidental world as a whole, that I feel this DVD will be as relevant now to remind all the fun as it will be in a couple of years to reflect on what we went thru.
I'd say it's a must buy and hell, for me to say this with the exorbitant international shipping costs, is definitely saying something.
Come on Nation, support our hero ! :o)

5 of 11 people found the following review helpful:

By Calgas "Calgas" (San Francisco, CA)
I have to agree with those who have reviewed this DVD now it has been released. I found it a big disappointment, sloppily put together, arguably not even the best bits of the show thus far. Some of the "Better know a district" segments didn't even have the lead in, just jumped straight to the interview (e.g. John Hall). No doubt that the show is one of the funniest things on TV, and I'm a huge Colbert fan, but this DVD was very, very disappointing.

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