
My Fitness Coach by UBI Soft

My Fitness Coach begins by evaluating your current fitness level, and helping you set your fitness goal. Whether you strive for weight loss, core body strength, increased flexibility or something else, the Wii's unique interactivity will get you there. A virtual personal trainer named Maya will be on hand to not only give you valuable advice to help you exercise right, but will provide pep talks to help keep you motivated every step of the way. There are even graphical charting displays that allow you to watch yourself making progress as you go.
  • Personal virtual trainer demonstrates moves, gives advice, and provides motivation
  • Access almost 500 exercises for flexibility, cardio fitness, strength training and more
  • Personalized goals let you chose length and frequency of program on a calendar
  • Customize your environment and pick your favorite type of workout music
  • Chart your progress with graphs over an extended period of time.

Price: $27.99 with FREE Shipping.

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